How we curate
Our goal is to provide a ‘snapshot’ of the current indie scene and gaming community at large while building a community that provides support, mentorship, and networking opportunities to developers. Our criteria includes not only your game, but also your involvement in the indie community, how participation could benefit your team (and vice versa), what your goals are, and how you apply these to your game and company philosophy.
We require the following materials:
- Game/company information.
- Build of your game.
- Three-minute gameplay video. This must be three minutes of raw gameplay footage, not an edited trailer.
Your submitted game may be an already-released title, completed work, or even a beta or alpha build, as long as it provides an enjoyable, playable experience for attendees.
There are a couple of open-ended questions in the application form, and you’ll want to use those fields to tell us why you/your team/your game should be considered. Tell us your origin story! Ask yourself some of the following questions and relay those answers to us:
- Does the game present a unique, interesting, or thoughtful design or mechanics?
- Is the aesthetic style compelling or different?
- Does the game address a social issue or offer a unique perspective or philosophy on game design?
- Does your game represent a larger genre in a compelling way or an under-represented genre?
- Is the game or developer able to contribute positively to the indie community?
- Are you an active member of your local community or an advocate for indie game devs?
This means we don’t make selections based solely on your game. We also take a look at how participating in the Indie MEGABOOTH could help your team, and how you can contribute to the community.
The core team involved with organizing the Indie MEGABOOTH will be reviewing the submission information with the help of a selection of judges. If we have questions or need additional information, we’ll request items from your team before making a final decision.
If you have any questions, please contact us at
Be Indie Know